Hi I'm Liz, Jeff Landry 2.0

With a new governor, legislature, and attorney general, we will have an opportunity to bring true conservative reform to state government.”

Liz’s Story

I led multi-state efforts supporting plaintiffs who attacked the overly restrictive firearm laws in New York and Hawaii. I have a concealed-carry permit and regularly practice shooting and safe handling of my firearm.

I'm on the board of the Federalist Society. You may have heard of them...they're largely responsible for getting Trump's picks on the Supreme Court and helping to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Defending the Unborn

I defended Louisiana’s admitting privileges law all the way up through the United States Supreme Court, paving the way to reverse Roe v. Wade just two years later.

My efforts defending Louisiana’s pro-life laws earned me the 2022 Leadership for Life Award from Louisiana Right to Life., the most pretigous award someone can get outside of the Nobel Prize.

I have plenty more issues which you can find out about here.

Find more of my conservative donors here.